Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Cartograms are maps that use distortion of areas to convey the information. The cartogram above shows a map of the 2008 Electoral Vote in the election that shows Obama (blue) overwhelming McCain (red). To me, this is an easy way to portray the dominance of one aspect compared to another.

Bilateral Graph
A bilateral graph is a graph that represents more than one variable and can be portrayed in many different ways. The map above shows the different trade deficit that the US had in 2009 vs. 2010.

Statistical Maps
Statistical maps are maps that shows the results on a map after the results are in of a test or survey. The map above shows the percent of workers who carpooled in 2003.

Range Graded Proportional Circle Map
A range graded proportional circle map are maps that use a set amount of circles and that have a range of values for each circle within the legend. This avoids overcrowding. The map above portrays the amount of inhabitants in the communities of Zurich.

Continuously Variable Proportional Circle Map
A continuously variable proportional circle map is a map that shows us how different variables can be expressed in appropriate matters while still retaining its' proportionality. The map above shows this by the bigger circles representing a larger population of people.

Correlation Matrix
A correlation matrix is a matrix that conveys the correlation between all pairs of data sets. A correlation matrix simply compares two things and establishes what relationship they have with one another. The matrix above shows what a phage T7 is and how they range from high, or red, to low, or blue.

Similarity Matrix
Similarity matrix is a matrix of scores that represent the similarities between points. As shown above, this similarity matrix shows the matrix of a combination of 512 photos.